Wildlife and Flora in Dayara Bugyal: What to Expect

Dayara Bugyal, one of the most picturesque alpine meadows in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, offers more than just stunning landscapes and breathtaking views. It is a treasure trove of diverse wildlife and rich flora, making it an exciting destination for nature lovers and trekking enthusiasts alike. If you’re planning to trek this beautiful stretch, here’s a glimpse of what you can expect in terms of the wildlife and flora that call Dayara Bugyal home.

Flora of Dayara Bugyal

Dayara Bugyal is a natural paradise, particularly during the summer and post-monsoon months when the meadows come alive with a vibrant tapestry of wildflowers. You’ll find an array of colorful blooms that transform the landscape into a painter’s dream. Some common flowers that adorn the meadows include Himalayan blue poppies, daisies, buttercups, and the rare Brahma Kamal, which is revered in local mythology and is also the state flower of Uttarakhand.

Aside from wildflowers, the trek offers glimpses of lush oak and rhododendron forests. The rhododendrons, in particular, provide a spectacular sight when they are in full bloom, covering the trails with shades of red, pink, and white. As you ascend higher, these forests give way to alpine meadows, offering trekkers expansive views of greenery against the backdrop of the towering snow-clad Himalayas.

Wildlife in Dayara Bugyal

The meadows of Dayara Bugyal are not only known for their flora but also for the diverse wildlife that inhabits the region. While you might not always spot animals, trekkers often encounter traces of various species, especially early in the morning or late in the evening. One of the most commonly sighted species is the Himalayan monal, the state bird of Uttarakhand. Its iridescent plumage is a delight for birdwatchers.

Other avian species you might encounter include griffon vultures, Himalayan eagles, and various species of finches and thrushes. For wildlife enthusiasts, the meadows offer a chance to see the elusive Himalayan musk deer, which roams the higher reaches. On rare occasions, trekkers have also reported spotting leopards and black bears in the surrounding forests, though they tend to keep their distance from human activity.

A Delicate Ecosystem

The wildlife and flora of Dayara Bugyal represent a delicate ecosystem that thrives in this pristine environment. As more trekkers visit the area, it’s important to maintain respect for this fragile ecosystem. Staying on designated trails, avoiding littering, and being mindful of noise can help preserve this natural paradise for future generations to enjoy.


Dayara Bugyal is not just a trekker’s paradise for its scenic beauty but also for the rich variety of flora and fauna that can be witnessed along the way. Whether you’re a nature lover, a wildlife enthusiast, or someone simply looking to escape the hustle of urban life, the natural beauty of this meadow offers something for everyone. To experience the best of what Dayara Bugyal has to offer, planning your trek with Mountain Hikers ensures you have a well-guided and eco-conscious adventure.













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